Thomas Anker, DO

Family Medicine – Sacramento, CA

“After over one year of careful consideration I am so happy to have chosen Althea for my outpatient family medicine practice. Both Athena and Epic EHR were heavily considered, but ultimately, it was a no-brainer; Althea is far superior to all of them. I have also used Cerner and Kareo. Althea is the only system that is actually a pleasure to use. In addition, the customer service is unparalleled. Thank you Althea for all your hard work.

The experience as a whole has been nothing but pleasurable. Starting with the support team, they are really great to work with to the EMR itself which is to say the least, a complete pleasure to use. Features are constantly being added which have greatly increased my capacity to care for patients. This is hands-down one of the best if not the best EHR out there.”